Custom Orthotics in Grapevine, TX

Custom Orthotics: The Foot-Body Connection

What Are Custom Orthotics?

Your feet are the foundation of your body. They support you when you stand, walk, or run. And they help protect your spine, bones, and soft tissues from damaging stress as you move around. Your feet perform better when all their muscles, arches, and bones are in their ideal stable positions. The foot is constructed with three arches which, when properly maintained, give exceptional supportive strength. These three arches form a supporting vault that distributes the weight of the entire body. If there is compromise of one arch in the foot, the other arches must compensate and are subject to additional stresses, which usually leads to further compromise. It’s a chain reaction. Healthcare professionals know alleviating pain in one part of your body often requires treating a different part. The pain you feel in your neck could be caused by a misalignment in your spine that is caused by unbalanced positioning in your feet. See? It’s a chain reaction. By stabilizing and balancing your feet, Foot Levelers orthotics enhance your body’s performance and efficiency, reduce pain, and contribute to your total body wellness. Our orthotics complement your healthcare professional’s treatment when you stand, walk, and live your active life.

Why Choose Custom Orthotics

Nearly everyone can benefit from wearing high-quality, flexible, custom-made foot orthotics. You do NOT have to be suffering from foot pain or have ‘fallen arches’ to benefit from high-quality custom orthotics. I have fitted hundreds of folks with custom made orthotics with great results. Patients report less pain and/or improved athletic performance! In my clinical experience, custom orthotics are vastly superior to ‘over the counter’ foot inserts. Lastly, when dealing with orthotics the clinician MUST look at the “big picture’ and examine the patient ‘above the foot’. I perform a thorough history and appropriate gait assessment and palpatory exam on the entire biomechanical structure.

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Call us todat at (817) 329-3552 to learn more about how custom orthotics can help alleviate your chronic foot pain.


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Mon 9:00am – 6:00pm
Tue 9:00am – 6:00pm
Wed 9:00am – 6:00pm
Thu 9:00am – 6:00pm
Fri 8:30am – 6:00pm
Sat 8:00am – 4:00pm
Sun Closed